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Why did I make a website?

Hi, I love planning holidays almost as much as I enjoy being on them, and I think over the years I have got pretty lucky at finding amazing deals on trips, meaning I have (probably) travelled more than the average person. 


I also just love talking about all my trips and sharing my favourite places to eat or things to see, so instead of telling my friends the same stories over and over again I figured I would actually do something with all this knowledge.


Thus, My Boarding Pass was born!


Feel free to have a read around, follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter!


I'm also going to leave a contact box down here and I would love to help you plan your next trip, whether you need to know the best time to travel to your dream destination, or you can't decide on accommodation - I'd love to lend a hand.


Pop your question or dilemma below and I'll try my best!


Happy travels,

Love Tegan x

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